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Limited time offer: Free displays with Knorr

Receive a FREE display with your Knorr package!

dinsdag 15 oktober 2024

Are you looking for a way to increase your sales and profits? Look no further than the new Knorr display! 16% of impulse purchases out of 62% have been linked to in-store displays. Learn more on how to receive yours today!

We are excited to offer you a fantastic promotion taking place between October 15th – December 15th. Get a FREE display with your Knorr package order and enjoy a 20% discount (profit = €500). Click on 'Knorr' to see al products from our promotion

Choose your pack!

Banner that shows all the products of the special offer



How does does it work?

Add a specific amount of the products above to your shopping cart to receive a FREE display! Click on the green button that says 'BUY PACK' to read more about this special offer.


Why should you get these new Knorr displays?

  • Increased sales: Studies have shown that well-placed displays can significantly increase sales. 
  • Big savings on quality products: High margins with a 20% discount with orders from October 1st until November 30th.
  • Premium quality and durable: high quality displays made from wood which tend to last longer than ordinary cardboard material.
  • Enhanced visibility & improved organization: Keep your Knorr products neatly displayed and easily accessible for customers. Our eye-catching displays will ensure your Knorr products stand out and attract customers' attention.


Tips on where to place your Knorr displays:

  • High-traffic areas: Place your displays in areas with the most customers traffic, such as near the checkout counter or in the center of your store.
  • Complementary products: Consider placing your Knorr displays near complementary products, such as pasta, rice, or sauces.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to increase your sales and profits. Order your Knorr package today and receive a FREE display!

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