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Europe's plates are getting greener!

Reach out to a wider customer base with Vegan food from Asia

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The sales of plant-based food have been growing rapidly over the years with about 49% of Europeans turning towards vegetarian diets. Is your store ready? This trend isn't just about personal choices, it's about health, ethics, and the environment. Here's why stocking vegetarian options is a smart business decision for retailers:

Europeans want healthy, eco-friendly food

People in Europe are thinking more about what they eat. They want food that's good for them, doesn't hurt animals, and helps the environment. Plant-based foods, like seaweed, are becoming more popular because they're healthy and don't involve raising animals, which can be bad for the planet (EuropeanVegetarianUnion).

Reaching a wider customer base

Adding vegetarian and vegan options to your store opens the door to a wider range of customers. According to a report by the European Vegetarian Union, 37% percent of Europeans identify themselves as flexitarians, vegetarians and vegans with 30% of which are flexitarians.

·         Vegetarians and vegans, a demographic that's growing fast in Europe. By offering what they need, you'll become their go-to store.

·         Flexitarians, who mostly eat meat but are cutting back. Vegetarian options give them delicious alternatives.

·         People with dietary restrictions like lactose intolerance or egg allergies. Vegan options often cater to these needs as well.


Meeting needs for cultural celebrations

With Vu Lan (Festival of the Wandering Souls) approaching on August 18th, vegetarian and vegan products are popular within the Vietnamese community across Europe. During Vu Lan, many Vietnamese families traditionally stay away from meat to honor their ancestors. By stocking your shelves with delicious plant-based options, you can have your store ready for this important cultural celebration.

Descriptive image of  Vu lan festival

Beagley Copperman: Your one-stop shop for everything vegan

Beagley Copperman, your trusted Asian food wholesaler in Europe, is here to help you meet the growing demand for vegetarian and vegan products. We offer a wide range of high-quality Asian-inspired vegan options, including:

Vegan fish sauce: This popular product is a great alternative to traditional fish sauce and perfect for people who follow a vegan diet or have allergies to seafood. It adds a unique rich flavor to many dishes
Rice noodles & rice paper: These staples are essential for creating delicious Asian-inspired vegetarian and vegan dishes like spring rolls, pad Thai, and Pho
Vegan soup seasonings: Our flavorful vegan soup seasonings allow your customers to whip up quick and easy vegetarian and vegan broths and noodle soups.
Vegan proteins: We offer a variety of plant-based protein options, perfect for creating satisfying and healthy vegetarian and vegan meals.

Europe's food scene is changing!  Beagley Copperman can be your partner in this exciting shift. Expand your selection today and attract new customers and this way you will keep your store updated with the evolving European food market. Click to view our wide selection of vegan products.


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